Friday, November 18, 2011

Dear Future Daughter,

Dear future daughter,

I know you don't exist yet, even as just a thought, but there are a few things that I would like to tell you about gender and society. There are going to be times in your life when you are judged by standards that were created hundreds of years ago. There are going to be times that if you don't live up to those [silly] standards, opportunities will not be made available to you. And for that, I'm sorry. Cross your legs, chew with your mouth closed, walk with your back straight, oh, and remember to always be beautiful. Now those are some of the things that society is going to require of you... don't let them be your prison. Play along when you need too, to get to where you need to go, but remember that these traditions are ancient, and that not everyone will hold you up to them. You don't need to hold yourself up to these unrealistic images of beauty, there isn't a woman in the world who can.

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