It took me a long time to work through the obvious hiprocracy that takes place while raising awareness for global warming. Al Gore flys around the world in a privage jet telling people to conserve energy, to walk to work, to ride their bikes and to stop using thier toasters - because having toast with breakfast is simply not worth the devistation that would be caused with the melting of the icecaps. Alright, you cought me. I made that last one up. I know that I'm not the first person to publicly ponder this hiprocracy. How can someone who flys around in a private jet, a jet that polutes more in one hour than I will in one year, tell me to WALK to work? This just doesn't make any sense. In fact, it makes about as much sense as the coke addict telling people not to do drugs. But wait - that actually does make sense. Cocaine addicts have seen the dark side, they've lived through the horrors and devistation caused by the drug and they wouldn't wish those horrors on even their most hated enemies. This analogy leads me to only one possible conclusion - Al Gore has lived through the horrors and devistation caused by global warming.
Al Gore is not from this Earth. I'm convinced. This is the only reasonable explination for his strange actions. I mean, look at Mars. That planet is obviously the victim of over polution, which lead to the melting of it's ice caps, and the destruction of its ozone and the eventual evaporation of its water! Al Gore must be a martian in disguise to warn us, of his first hand experience, what being a pollution addict can do to a planet.
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